RE: FW: Continuing Transmission Troubles

From: Pat Buthmann (
Date: Thu Jul 03 1997 - 17:51:10 EDT

Geez Jason, perhaps you'll need to realize that us Canadians are as slow to
pick up their Metric to Imperial calculators...<GRIN>. As well, Canadian
vehicles come equipped with a speedo that reads in both MPH and KPH. Norah
should be able to fill you in on most of the details of Canadian life.
 Hope you like to cool Ontario air dude.

Pat Buthmann...

Well, I guess I'd rather trust PSI Corps than the Cops!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Bleazard []
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 1997 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Continuing Transmission Troubles

On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Jon Steiger wrote:
> One noise that I do notice happens at about 100-110 mph or so.
> Its pretty loud, and I can't figure out if its the transmission, tires,
> engine, cooling fan, or a combination of some or all of the above.
> the only strange noise I've noticed.
> -Jon-

Or maybe it's just the bow shock wave created by the atmosphere trying to
get out of the way of a Dakota moving that fast. :-)

For our friends in Canada, Mr. Steiger is travelling at velocities
over 170 kilometers per hour. I'm staying out of his way, and suggest you
do the same.

  -- Jason Bleazard

     Psi Corps is your friend. Trust Psi Corps.

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