Re: Cleaning Aluminum Wheels?? -Reply

From: Keith Knuth (
Date: Mon Sep 22 1997 - 15:36:55 EDT

>>> Mike Crumley <> 09/22/97 01:17pm >>>

Try a product called Mother's Mag & Aluminium Polish (Mother's is the brand
name). It is a cream type polish that you rub on and then wipe off. I used
to use it for polishing chrome and aluminum on an 18-wheeler that got
really dirty and there was nothing that it wouldn't clean up real quick.
Last time I got some I got it at a truck stop but I think Mother's products
are becoming more widely available so you might find it at a parts store.
Highly recommended.

This isn't simply dirt or mud. These are STAINS, chemically etched on the wheels.
I am afraid no amount of scrubbing or polishing with a cloth is going to work. I am
about ready to get out the 1500 grit wet sand paper and go at them!

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