At 11:35 AM 10/9/97 +0000, you wrote:
>>Anyone else on the list buy at X above invoice?
>>Did or are they going to charge you for advertising.
-The average seems to be $500.00 invoice. The dealer I spoke w/is the only
one who didn't mention an advertising charge. All others quoted me
anywhere from $350.00 to $450.00. If you check the window stickers on cars
on the lot you will, more often then not, see it the cost breakdown.
In all probability I will be placing my order Saturday next.
Prior to placing the order and leaving a deposit want to verify the price
and get it in writing. Have only had phone contact so far.
FYI, I found the dealer in question, Okieland Dodge, via AutoWeb Interactive.
I was "surfing" and on a "lark" sent my price quote to them and was
subsequently contacted by the dealer.
My suspicion is that as the initial contact was made via the web the dealer
knew that I knew the invoice & MSRP costs.
And whatever profit he doesn't make off me will be made up by someone else
paying full MSRP.
As the saying goes, "Knowledge is power".
I am also dealing w/the fleet manager vice a sales droid.
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