What Kind of Oil

From: Gary Ludwick (gludwick@csi.com)
Date: Wed Apr 15 1998 - 21:13:52 EDT

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> Good column in May Car & Driver by Pat Bedard on oil...how often to
> change...and interview with oil engineer.

  Hmmmm, I'll have to see if I can get access to that. What were the
main points, if you don't mind my asking?

> One note: some name brands do not do their own blending, but farm it out.
> They may supply the base oil, but the blending of additives etc is done by
> third party

Sorry, I read it in the doctor's office this morning, so can't quote
verbatim. Bedard's rant was over those oil change places that put that
sticker on your window (Buncomb stickers he calls 'em) telling you to come
back in 3000 miles or 90 days....without having a clue as to how you use
your vehicle. The oil engineer essentially duplicated your comments about
multi name brands and generics all coming out of the same blending plant.
His most memorable quote was that essentially you can't go wrong following
the engine manufacturer's recommendations...even Cadillacs, some of which
are now up to 10,000 miles recommended between changes!
BTW, my dad spent his entire life in the pipeline business, moving both
crude and refined products between the fields, the refineries, and the
storage tank farms. They had to perform continuous testing on the product
moving thru the lines & in the storage tanks, and he said there wasn't a
dime's worth of difference between any of the refined products. By almost
every measure they were identical...from specific weight and gravity to
chemical composition. In fact, the ONLY difference between gasolines was
the dye they used to color it.
Sit outside any big name gasoline distributor's tank farm (Exxon, Shell
Amoco etc) and watch all the independent, no-name tankers that get their
product there. That 20 cents a gallon extra you pay for name brand gas
goes almost entirely to advertising and marketing costs....not the product.

You don't ALWAYS get what you pay for!

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