Re: Junker Law was: 99 Dakota R/T

From: Vanderburg (
Date: Sat Aug 01 1998 - 12:36:31 EDT

Half the fun is doing the modifications, therefore I disagree with your
statement that if they made them go fast enough we wouldn't have to modify

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike P Sykes <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, July 31, 1998 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Junker Law was: 99 Dakota R/T

>>>> It is in your best interest
>to resist any of these emissions standards no matter to whom they
>DAMN RIGHT!!! It's Unconstitutional if you ask me...besides, if they made
>em' fast enough from the factory, we wouldn't have to modify em' =)
>-mike d.
>88, V6, LE, 3.55, SlushBox, mild mods
> >or<
>"I don't see it fair to battle wits with you, seeing that you are
>unarmed" =)
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