Re: I'd like to introduce myself...

Date: Mon Aug 17 1998 - 21:02:49 EDT

In a message dated 98-08-16 22:40:02 EDT, you write:

<< I have seen 125 in my Dak, so I'm sure it's capable of 130-140(Hehe), given
 enough space.
 Brian >>

I saw 130 yesterday morning against a brand new Mercedes sedan. Started at
70, and pulled him from there. Right after my girlfriend told me we were
doing well over 120, I looked at the speedo, and the needle was past 120 by
about the same amount between numbers. So I figure it was 130. Right after
that we hit a dip and bottomed out the crossover for the exhaust!!! So I
backed off, let the Mercedes around, and he gave me the BIG thumbs up!!!


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