RE:Sport Plus Package

From: Jason & Norah (
Date: Thu Oct 22 1998 - 17:41:03 EDT

>Jodi & Norah...
> Sorry, guess I didn't make it obvious enough that I was funnin' with ya. I
>know all about opinions and personal choice, just laying the ol' guilt trip on
>you ladies for expressing ones against the shiny stuff...

No problem Shaun. I didn't see any smiley's so I did what I always seem to
do: blamed it on myself, thought I said something wrong, etc., etc.

>I couldn't think of anything bad to say about the Sport's so I had to make
>something up: 'plastic' was a close as I could get ^_^ . Most times my sense
>of humor is better experienced in person. It's kind of hard to convey
>inflection and phoney heart on sleeve stuff through the e-mail. No offense
>taken here, none meant... Just some fun.

Good, I hate to think that I would ever hurt anyone, other than those who
touch my Dak with bad intentions or pure stupidity -- then I become a
different person and rip 'em to shreds :) Just leave the truck alone, and
no one gets hurt. Simple rule don't you think?

> I have noticed that Norah, you seem to be one of those "I can fix
>everything" folk.

Nope, I can't accept that label. I just hate conflict and I don't like
thinking that I may have caused it. If others voice their opinions in an
angry manner, such as this "Jules-gate" issue, I just won't get involved.
Sooner or later, it will burn itself out. It's that Canadian
non-involvement thing again :)

>You went WAY out of your way to fix a supposedly wounded ego, that's sooo
>sweet of you. Gives me warm fuzzies all over just thinking about it... ^_^

Thanks, but it isn't necessary. <grinning>

>I gotta go find my own girl like that... maybe if I hang out at a mall and
>look sad I can reel one in!

NO, NO, NO - NOT THE "MAUL". Women like myself don't hang out in malls.
Those places are insane. Whenever Jason and I have no choice and have to go
the mall, we use our MST (MALL SURVIVAL TACTICAL PLAN). First dig out the
pocket mall directory at home. Make a plan of attack. Then each of us
strategically hit the "maul" and get out in half the time. Don't forget the
body armour to protect yourself from all the crazed women with their
husbands credits cards looking for the deal of the century. I don't think,
this is what you want Shaun. :)

Norah (the anti-shopper)

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