I've used Dexron III in my '92 A-518, it has 138k miles and no tranny
problems whatsoever. I change fluid/filter every 40k miles. Sounds like
the newer trannies use the 7176, maybe check your owner's manual. After you
pull the pan, be sure to take a clean rag and wipe out all the gunk on the
bottom of the pan. There is also a magnet you can pull off the pan and wipe
clean before replacing it. Also, on my 518, you need to pull the dipstick
before dropping the pan.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Trottmann <rotrottmann@davidson.edu>
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 4:41 PM
Subject: DML: Changing Tranny Fluid
>Two questions: Will any old tranny fluid work? Dexron III or ATF+3??
>What should I use?
>Can I get a filter at Auto Zone? Is there some special filter I should
>be using?
>Thanks much,
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