This site might be able to help you out. It seems they do actual custom
licence plates. You other guys might want to check this out too, they
make state plates custom written.
David Slocum wrote:
> Heather & Lonestar (And all you other Texans in the group)
> I need some help..... I am a displaced Texan (Living in North
> Carolina), San Antonio native.... I wanted to add something to my
> truck that was distinctly Texan and since we don't have front plates
> here, decided that a Texas flag was just the thing.
> The problem here is that after countless hours searching the net, all
> I can find are plates with a waving flag or the like. I want a plate
> that IS a flag... know what I mean? The ENTIRE plate.... no poles, no
> words, just the flag....
> If you folks know of a place where I can order one (Preferably metal
> but I can settle...) I would appreciate the info! Or... if you happen
> to run across one, I would gladly pay the price+shipping+something for
> your time/gas if that is what it takes!
> Preacher
> .
> Heather & Lonestar
> 98 Dak Sport - Intensley Bluetiful
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