I'm sure the region of texas makes a differance as well. I could probably
go for a pretty long time without getting hassled about no front plate. But
an f-body friend of mine who lives in a more populated area had to put his
back on because a cop (female) hassled his wife about it one day. I think
she gave her a warning or something.
---Mike, near Houston.---
My sig file=====> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/signature.txt
My Dakota page==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/dakota.html
Dakota Webring==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/webring/ring.html
----- Original Message -----
From: <RAS002@worldnet.att.net>
To: <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Cc: <magnumv8@wt.net>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 7:24 PM
Subject: DML: Re: Texas Flag Plate
>On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 09:35:33 -0500 (EST), you wrote:
>>Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 00:29:09 -0600
>>From: Michael Clark <magnumv8@wt.net>
>>Subject: DML: Re: Texas Flag Plate
>>BTW doesn't it suck that we Texas have to wear front plates on our =
>>vehicles? I tell you if I had a Viper or Prowler or corvette even I'd =
>>have to pay tickets all the time because I would not put a front plate =
>>on a car like that.
>>- ---Mike, near Houston.---
> Mike,
> I've lived in Texas since '75 and have yet to put on a front plate.
>That covers about 15 vehicles of varying "cop magnetism" Of my 3
>current vehicles, the Impala SS isn't even drilled for a plate (I
>couldn't stop my Dodge dealer from ruining the Dak's bumper cover,
> Later,
> Russ Selkirk
>'96 Black Impala SS
>'85 Silver Monte SS
>'98 Amethyst Dakota RC R/T
> - Port Neches,Texas
>NOTE: Anti-Spam Address! Please
>reply to: RAS002@worldnet.att.net
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