Dakota In Sport Truck

From: SmokinDakota (smokindakota@email.msn.com)
Date: Wed Mar 17 1999 - 19:39:42 EST

Hey everyone,

I emailed Quality Auto Body, the Dakota in the recent Sport Truck, here is
there reply. Is anyone interested in the lower bumper/valance. E-mail me so
I can put you on the list. If you want the Dakota in the Magazine, its for
sale, ONLY $35,000 or trade your v-8 dak in.

Steven 2me

-----Original Message-----
From: QAB1@aol.com [mailto:QAB1@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 12:23 PM
To: smokindakota@msn.com
Subject: Re: Dakota Parts

Hi Steven,
Thank you for the inquiry on the lower front valance on the Dakota. Yes, we
do sell
the piece, the cost is $285. plus paint $120. and freight. We could work out
discounted price once you let me know how many you need. Also, the Dakota in
Sport Truck is For Sale $35,000 or another Dakota with a V/8 plus cash.
we have a 1983 Full Size Chevy Custom $19,000.
Check out our web site at www.qab1.com.
Thanks again,


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