A new fix from Crysler for the reverse whine in the autos

From: Dak99RT@aol.com
Date: Sat Mar 27 1999 - 13:45:11 EST

I copied these posts from the Dakota newsgroup:
Hope it helps!
I have just returned from the Chryco Tech Training Seminar at our Zone
Training Center and have learned that Chryco will be issuing a TSB regarding
a "buzz" noise in reverse that is experienced in RWD trucks with automatic
transmissions. The fix is a new "steel" pressure regulator valve that has
entered production on 02-08-99. The TSB is to be issued in approximately 30
days. If you are experiencing this problem (usually worse in cold weather),
contact your dealer in mid to late April for info. Hope this helps

Chryco Service Manager
Member SAEFrom: "Mike Simmons" <mikesim@fidnet.com>
Date: 3/18/99 7:43 PM Eastern Standard Time
(more from Mike Simmons)
The old fix (I don't have the TSB at hand but it was some time ~a year or so
ago) worked on some vehicles, but in many the "buzz" was still present. I
would wait until the new TSB is released and get the fix performed then.

Good Luck

 "Mike Simmons" <mikesim@fidnet.com>
Date: 3/20/99 8:41 PM Eastern Standard Time

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