Sorry to hear about your door : ( I'd be really steamed. What exactly did they do
to your tranny to fix the buzz? Also, how many times have you had your "clunk"
fixed. I don't even want to take mine in until they come up with a real fix. I'd say
it's almost time for an elite team of R/T "clunkers" to head on down to DC
Headquarters and start kickin A$$ and taking names.
Ryan K
'99 R/T RC
Oh and by the way... the intermediate steering shafts are on back order.
(this is what is used to fix the steering wheel clunk.) Now I have to wait for
more time to get my R/T fixed. I have been to the dealer about the same
problems 9 times in the last 3 months. My 99 R/T has only 2000 miles on it. I
am bent!
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