Re: R/T Towing Capacity New Post

From: GSWillhite (
Date: Thu May 13 1999 - 06:43:53 EDT

> From:
> I talked with the manager of the Truck Design Studio today. We were
> shootin the shit for a bit then I asked him if he knew why they derated the
> towing capacity of the R/T. He said it is because after they lowered it they
> never changed the pinion angle for the drive shaft, and when they were field
> testing several new ones towing, they were breaking rear gears and shattering
> universals.

Hey Eric, I thought the R/T was only lowered 1" . I am amazed that
pinion angle would be so critical at such a small drop. Needless to
say I'll be all ears and eyes when he gives ya the info.

GS -

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