Re: Smokers Suck

Date: Mon Jun 14 1999 - 14:16:43 EDT

Gimme a break !

What's next , "Drinkers Suck" , "Meat-Eaters Suck" , or "Men Suck" ?

C'mon , I can understand anyone getting mad at someone else about that one
person's disgusting habits , but don't generalize or stereotype anyone here .

Jack "Smokes like a frieght-train" Hilton

At 09:35 AM 6/14/1999 PDT, you wrote:
>Smoker Suck
>was:Power Outlet Cap
>>You don't smoke do ya?
>>Thats a great Idea,
>>something I've been known to do on dare.
>>But you didn't here that from me......
> heh... I thought of a good idea to get back at those extremely
> irritating
> people that throw their used cigarette butt out their car window-
> especially
> the ones that are right in front of you when they do it! Go to
> a parking
> lot where someone has kindly emptied their ashtray on the ground.
> Put the
> butts in a plastic baggie and keep them with you. Next time
> someone flicks
> their butt- get in front of them and empty the baggie onto their
> car (watch
> for police though). Now this is obviously worse than one
> cigarette butt on
> the ground but it would feel SO righteous to see the asshole have
> to pull
> over and clean off all the cigarette butts from their windshield.
> Heck-
>> I usually dump them IN the car, back seat front seat, on their lap
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