Re: Bored Vacationer threatens Intake !

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Tue Jun 22 1999 - 11:48:54 EDT that's a good response. (Maybe Alan should read this too!) ;)

At 09:27 AM 06/22/1999 -0600, you wrote:
>Surgeon Generals Report: Re: Intake Porting.
>Recent studies have shown that those who remove their intake and
>attempt a Hi-Po port job are at greater risk of heart disease
>than those who suffer from a sub-par intake flow. This is due to
>the mental strain related to achieving extremely low 1/4 mile
>times. Those individuals are also exposed to a much greater risk
>of a speed related injury.... extremus sprainius forearmius. This
>is due to an increase in the frequency of both speed and power
>shifting. This does not apply to those with "slushies". It has
>also been proven that lung cancer is prominent among those who
>have completed this mod. This can be attributed to an increase in
>gaseous rubber inhalation. The thick clouds of white smoke that
>often surround these hapless victims are extremely volatile. Do
>not attempt this mod under any circumstances. It is not only
>dangerous, but unhealthy. If you feel compelled to try this;
>please, seek professional help. Pick up the phone and call
>1-800-Slo-Down or 1-800-Get-Ford. These help lines should solve
>all your need-for-speed related problems.
>Stay Safe, Stay Slo.
>Ryan K
>'99 R/T RC

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