Re: Was Stickers ad horsepower, now Guido and Nunzio..

From: Jon Steiger (
Date: Sat Sep 18 1999 - 16:59:20 EDT

On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Preacher wrote:

> Jon... buddy...oh wise benefactor.... What's the status on the latest
> batch?? I have seen several people post about their white stickers (the same
> color I ordered) but I haven't seen mine yet.... I'm a patient guy but my
> cousins Guido and Nunzio ain't so patient..... Capiche? ;-)

   Hey, Guido and Nunzio came over last week! Nice guys. I gave
them DML stickers of their own... They seemed to really enjoy
'em, until they tried to stick them on their Caddilac and it
exploded. (Takes a Mopar to handle a DML sticker, son...)

   Anyhoo... I was supposed to have all the whites by now but
the #%&#% print shop ran out white vinyl, then broke the last
blade they had for the cutting machine and had to order more...
(Its always something with those guys...) I did get some "short"
red decals the other day, but there are still a LOT of stickers
that have to be cut. I think I'm going to have to start being
a lot less civil. Hey, can I borrow Guido and Nunzio for a few
hours? ;-)


  .--- ----------------------------------------.
  | Jon Steiger * AOPA, DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA * RP-SEL |
  | '96 Dodge Dakota V8, '96 Suzuki Intruder 1400, '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
  `--------------------------- ---'

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