RE: Need help with tire issue.

From: Nate (
Date: Mon Sep 20 1999 - 16:54:55 EDT

Ok, all you guru's out there correct me if im wrong
but this is what my "tire guy" told me about Tire
pressure and it makes sense to me.

The tire pressure that's stamped on the tire itself is
only a "max recommended pressure" not necessarily the
pressure you have to fill them too. Now, I don't even
own a dak yet (But they'll build the dang thing
someday) so this all might be BS. He told me to fill
the tires to the vehicle manufacturers recommended
tire pressure. I thought it was 35, until I broke out
my owners manual and sure enough, it recommended 32psi
front and 29 Rear! He stated that all vehicles wear
tires differently, weigh different front to back
etc.... I filled them as per the owners manual, and
walla, no tire wear problems since. You might want to
take a look at the manual and see what it asks for in
there. I would but I don't have a friggen manual yet!
Can you tell I'm a little frustrated! My trucks still
on restriction, been that way for 4 weeks!!!

|I just found out from the dealership that my tires
|are cupped. Not too bad,
|but still annoying to hear while driving. I only
|have 13,000 miles on them,
|rotated them at 10,000. I keep the pressure at 35
|psi, and I measure after
|driving 5 miles to the gas station after it's been
|sitting overnight.
|Now that the cupping has happened, is there any way I
|can get rid of it,
|possibly by changing the air pressure and wearing the
|ridges down? I would
|really hate to have to buy new tires this early. I
|had this happen once
|with a Fjord Ranger also with Goodyear Wrangler GSA
|Is this common with
|trucks? Am I doing something wrong?

|BTW, I have the 31x10.5R15 tires.

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