Re: Body Repairs

From: Peter L Anthony (
Date: Mon Oct 25 1999 - 12:30:39 EDT

Most body shops worth their weight will be able to do the repair, Metal
only. Not knowing the exact damage makes it harder to say.

Peter L Anthony
PCN Inc.
Network Engineer
Voice 973-290-5508
Fax 973-490-3107
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Bara <>
To: DML <>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 12:18 PM
Subject: DML: Body Repairs

> well, i lent the dak to my brother and he sideswiped a pole in the alley
> near his house. now i have a lovely new contour in the bed between the
> wheel and the cab. lovely.
> here's my question: when they repair something like this do they always
> use some kind of body filler or is there a way to repair the metal back
> to the original shape without any kind of goop? i would hate to have to
> replace the bed, but the truck is only 6 months old. i've never really
> had any kind of accident before, so i a unfamiliar with how they do the
> repairs. any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.
> thanks.
> jeff
> la, ca
> 99 v6CC

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