leaking tranny

From: Christopher L Scott (clscott@cse.Buffalo.EDU)
Date: Mon Nov 01 1999 - 20:54:49 EST

I have just discovered where those spots in the driveway are coming from!
The tranny on my Dak is leaking! I've got a 94 Sport V6 5-SPEED (MX-50
is the number for the tranny I believe) The oil seems to be coming out
around the speed sensor on the back of the transmission. It's a pretty
substantial leak. Note: Several months ago, I put Mobil1 synthetic
75W-90 in. I have heard of synthetic motor oil making slight engine
gasket leaks worse, could this be occuring in the tranny? Also, my
syncros on 3rd gear have been a bit notchy for about 4 months now.
Especially if you run it up above 3500 rpm in 2nd gear, it's hard to get
it into 3rd smoothly. You really have to take you time to keep it from
grinding. Could this and the oil leak be related? (NO, the tranny is not
dry, I checked the oil recently) Any advice?

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