Hey I just wanted to thank everyone for thier help. Sure enough it was a
ground wire just below the fuse box. A nut holding the ground wire on was
just about to fall off and I just tightened it down. Problem solved. I
just love these easy ones!!!
Thanks again,
> << e had this problem for a year now. The door locks will just lock and
> lock and lock all on their own. Most times it takes somthing else to
> trigger this such as, using the turn signal, opening or closing the
> and most of all, by depressing the brake. I could press that brake pedal
> rapid succession and the doors will keep on locking. Somtimes you don't
> have to do anything and they'll just take off on thier locking and
> fit. It has been going on for many months now and comes and goes and
> now it's back with a vengence. I have since had a new alarm installed a
> months ago which has had no effect on this issue, though now the remote
> start rarely works(as of a couple weeks ago). And I have had a new PCM
> installed, also with no effect.
> Also somthing strange from the other day, though I don't know if this is
> related. It was about 90 degrees out at 2:00pm on Saturday, I was
> home for my lunch break(I started at 6:00am). When I got in the truck
> started it, it immediatly died. I tried it again with the same results.
> tried it yet again, but this time I gave it some gas, which kept it
> but when I removed my foot it just died again. It took about 8 times
> >>
> Usually when using an electrical accessory and something else starts
> working or stops working, its a ground problem If you can find a shop
> with a wiring diagram and ground locations and what the grounds go to, you
> will notice each ground is tied in with several accessories,most of the
> a loose or corroded ground causes this kind of problem. Richard
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