> I was thinking about replacing my trucks current factory stereo system
> a much nicer one. I am partial to Pioneer systems and have choosen all
> Pioneer components. The kind of music that I listen to is Country, pop,
> rock, hip hop. I would like to know what you think about my choices and
> prices and if you know somewhere I could get everything for cheaper,
> online or a store, such as Circuit City, Best Buy, Car Toys, etc. I live
> the Portland, Oregon area. Keep in mind that with Crutchfield you get a
> wiring harness and custom installation instructions. Though wiring
> are not expensive and installation is usually not difficult. I would also
> like to know what sort of wires I will need that are not supplied or are
> better than the ones included with the items below.
> Product Crutchfield price Audio-Warehouse
> price
> CD Player DEH-P47DH 249.95 219.00
> Component Speakers 179.95 129.00
> (for front doors)TS-C1653
> Speakers 3way 6-3/4" 119.95 85.00
> (for rear club cab)TS-A1765
> Amp 50Wx4 GM-X554 299.95 229.00
> Total: 849.80
> Here is a link to Pioneer car audio site:
> ,00.html
> Audio Warehouse:
> http://www.audio-warehouse.com/index.html
> And Crutchfield:
> http://www.crutchfield.com
> Jason
> 98 SLT 4X4 Club Cab 318
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