Re: Unwanted Porn

From: Chuck Robbins (
Date: Fri Jun 29 2001 - 14:39:17 EDT

    Are you reading the list via the DML newsgroup? There are companies
which get email addies from various newsgroups and sell them to the highest

Chuck Robbins
'99 Dakota Sport

> Hey guys, in the last two days I have recieved about ten emails (not DML)
> offering me links to free porn sites and what not. Some of them say that
> is in response to a feedback form I filled out, one starts off by saying,
> "hey, remmember me." Well I don't remmember the email address and I never
> have filled out a form, the only place I have put my email address in is
> for this list. I use another account altogether for all internet
> I was just wondering if anyone else on the list was experiencing this,
> maybe a fellow DMLer was putting in our email addresses for fun. I am
> checking.
> Aaron
> Vancouver, Wa
> 98 2WD 2.5L 4cyl RC

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