Re: Re: Narowing of wheels / Air Bags ect

From: Steven T. Ekstrand (
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 19:51:35 EDT

|I called the wheel
| mfr....they say I can take off .300 off the backside of the
wheel.....maybe I
| could also take aliitle (.250?) from the rotor face (Bernd?). I have a
| shop so it's no big deal. but thats 9/16 or so. I need 1 1/2 to 1 3/4.

If there's enough material on the back of the wheel mounting surface to
plane off .300" that would be easy enough to do. I'm a little leary of
shaving the rotor/hub mounting surface.

I'm assuming your problem is only in the front. The best solution is to
sell these wheels and get new ones, but I can understand why you wouldn't
be interested in that option. How about running a lower profile tire in
the front. It wouldn't effect your gearing, mileage, or speedo if you
leave the backs alone. You can keep the current front tires for the rears
when they wear out. Obviously, you can't rotate with this solution. You
might run into minor brake bias problems, but I doubt it (and that can be


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