RE: Gas prices

Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 09:43:28 EST

> Here's an article to make your day:
> It's not just the oil companies, there are a lot of reasons for the
> increase in gasoline prices.
> Richard in San Antonio

That sounds like oil company propaganda, regurgitated by the NY Times
and cleverly disguised as real news. "Gee, let's blame us foreign
policy, not out quest for a fat bottom line..." those excuses are just
lame. Name any industry that hasen't had to upgrade it's production
facilities or comply with new federal regulations. New Federal regs
arent to blame for the fact that there is a 14 cent difference between
my local gas stations, across town. If there was a shred of truth to
any of that, The price of gas wouldn't fluctuate the way it does, and
there wouldn't be a 50 cent differential from going halfway across a
state. Supply and Demand also dictates that, in theory, Gas in a small
town of 500 or so, out in the sticks, should be more expensive than in a
town of 100,000 with 43 stations and good highway access to distribution

to: Jon in STL; Don't take this tirade personally, it's just an
opinion... ;-)

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