Re: Re: daily SAS update

From: Barry (
Date: Mon Aug 16 2004 - 10:51:25 EDT

Michael Maskalans wrote:

> <>
> The thin mangled piece you see is the remains of the caliper shield.
> (I'm going to run without one so I took it off with a cold chisel hoping
> something would catch and move. it didn't.)
> I'd expect that if I smacked it way out at the end a couple times it
> would come apart quite quickly. However I'm interested in keeping those
> threads usable.
> --
> Mike Maskalans

Stupid suggestion here: There's got to be a ford equivalent to the DiRT
list, have you asked them for tips & tricks? Possibly they might also be
able to "come up" with parts that may assist you...


"Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think" -fortune cookie

DML: Superhawk:

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