Re: help me start my truck

Date: Wed Aug 25 2004 - 14:55:27 EDT

"Tony Cellana" wrote:
> The crank damper on a Magnum has marks every 90*. Pick a mark, any
> mark. Finger tighten ALL rocker adjusters to JUST snug. This is zero
> lash. Rotate the crank (see note below) 1/4 turn, finger tighten them
> ALL again. Repeat for 2 FULL rotations of the crank. This process
> doesn't care about TDC on any cylinder, and by rotating the crank,
> you will end up hitting all cylinders at the low spot on the cam
> during the process.
Sorry, one last question. When you say finger tighten, I'm wondering how
tight this means. I was told that I should tighten the adjuster until I can
no longer spin the pushrod in the guide... basically until the slop is gone.
Is this enough, or do you mean to tighten them down hard with your fingers.
Sorry about being picky, but I'm trying to avoid taking things apart for a
4th time. :o

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