Re: DML BBQ Paintball

From: Zito, James A (GE Energy) (
Date: Tue May 10 2005 - 10:08:11 EDT

 (Speaking of disarming the bomb, it could be just
as simple as having a bomb technician with the team when the bomb is
found would be considered disarming the bomb, or if I were feeling
really ambitious, I could put together some "bombs" using a
microcontroller where it could be set to a certain time and count down,
the team would have to find it prior to that time. Also, possibly
disarming the bomb would involve entering the correct code on a keypad,
or actually snipping wires in a certain order in order to prevent having
the bomb "detonate". This could potentially involve additional
intelligence/problem solving such as a task which would be required to
be accomplished in order to determine the proper disarm code or the
proper order in which to cut the wires.)

OK me is former bomb tech for the USN, and without giving anything
"classified" away there isn't much to "safing" a nuke. The fuze is pretty
much a see and remove item. Granted there is a little bit to actually
knowing what it looks like. And the radiation monitoring and protective
gear is one heck of a pain in the butt. We used to call them stupid suits
because people would loose about 25-50 IQ points just getting into the
yellow gear.

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