Re: Daktoberfest Roll Call

From: Michael Maskalans (
Date: Tue Oct 11 2005 - 12:04:40 EDT

On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 Walt@Walt-n-Ingrid.Com wrote:

> In article <>,
> (Michael Maskalans) writes:
> >
> > have a trip to Rausch Creek coming up if you're interested.... weekend
> > of the... 21st-2nd-3rd.
> The '88 is out of commission until further notice. Right now, the only thing
> below the frame rails are the jackstands. The motor/tranny/TC are about 6 bolts
> away from coming out themselves,

Didn't know you had plans for the powertrain as well, but I suppose that
really would be a safe assumption =) You do any of the stripping of the
mounts yet or are you going to wait a bit on that?

> I received 1 box of goodies from Currie for the rebuild last week but still
> waiting on several others.

from Currie?? Thought you had a pair of 60s, I only know Currie for their
9" stuff (and damn would I like to run some of it!)

> I still need to take a trip down to the steel yard
> and pick up some additional material they set aside for me. It's great to have
> a wife who is a metal and fabrication buyer, she has all the contacts and
> connections for raw materials.

::drool:: Any chance on something there?

With steel prices the way they are and another good reason for me to go to
CT..... None of my friends up here can find a hook-up. Well, one did,
but he said she was too much drama for him, and he wants to get back with
his ex, but that's a whole 'nother story... I told him to introduce me
but he never did ;-)

> I was planning on bringing my '96 to Jon's, it's still 4 wheel drive with 4
> wheels. But I wouldn't think of taking that to Rausch Creek.
Yeah probably not. We're hoping for high greens through all blues and
maybe a taste of some black so a stock height on ATs with no
lockers wouldn't so well.

> If your offering a spotter seat, I'd love to but probably won't be able to make
> that either. I'm still cutting/splitting/stacking firewood for the winter and
> I don't have too many good weekends left. I figure I'll need 2 or 3 solid
> weekends to get that completed.

heh. I'm hopeless on firewood here... I keep running out of town on
weekends and Keith (my buddy whose house I moved into) keeps having
firefighting classes on weekends. I hope he gets some done this weekend
while I'm at Jon's, otherwise we're gonna be logging in the snow after
Haloween.... Oh well, at least it's trees that area already down and dry
in his parent's backyard just across town. I think what we have now will
probably take us through Christmas at least, but logging in deep snow
would blow goats =)

Naturally weeknights are hopeless.... I haven't even made time to put my
new-to-me plow on the RamCharger, or change a bad ball joint in my
still-daily-driver Dakota! Wonder how long it's going to take for
that to bite me...

But at least if I can get paperwork through I'll have something else
really nice to drive. I *really* hope that works out.

BTW - does anyone know if a Chrysler Intrepid would have had to be
Canadian originally? I don't remember anything but a Dodge Intrepid here,
and it looks kinda like a junkyard cluster (yellowed more than the rest of
the dash) and it has very strange DRLs that remind me of Jason B's - they
come on with the key.

'98 SAS Dakota CC, needs balljoint
'84 rusty RamCharger, needs plow mounted
'96 Chrysler Intrepid, needs title

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