Barry Oliver <> wrote:
> 800 yards? I didn't remember it being that far. That is alot, more
> than enough for casual shooting. If I remember correctly, it is dead
> flat out to the end where it drops off.. More to the point, it seems
> like if you were motivated with the tractor, you could probably clear
> tuck outs at 100 and 200 or so from the end of the barn:
> unless your property ends on that line next to your runway...
It goes into the woods about another 100' or so I think. The only
problem with shooting up near the barn is I don't like to do it just
to try and keep noise down for the neighbors. I've got a dinky range
set up down at Ranger gulch, but its pretty short, maybe 50 yards at
best. Certainly adequate for informal handgun plinking, but I haven't
gotten into any longer range stuff yet. (Heck, I can't hit the close
stuff.) ;-) A nice thing about that location is that it is located
in a gulley so you've basically got 10 to 20 foot berms all the way
I've been wanting to set up something better, maybe deeper in the
woods, but haven't had the time to look into it any further.
Another possibility may be to go down to the area where the mud pit
is, and shoot from east to west, from the tree line to the right of
the runway, across the runway, and into the field where the mud pit
is. There's actually a small berm at the end of the mud pit which may
or may not be useful. That would probably be 125 yards, with a max of
150 yards. This would also mean we're shooting into our own
property, with 500+ yards of woods and a ravine between the backstop
and the next property.
If you're looking at the google map, you can see the clearing for
the airstrip, then to the right (east) is a patch of woods, then there
is a large, rectangular parcel which is open, we own that too, along
with the woods to the north, all the way to the ravine. If you were
walking in from the road, at about 1/4 of the way in, there is a large
elevation drop. Depending on where someone was to set up there, 400
yards may be possible.
If you're interested, for any of these locations, or any other area
that might be promising, I can grab the GPS and take some
measurements, snap some photos, etc., just let me know.
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'
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