4.7 sucks for towing

From: Barry Oliver (barrysuperhawk@comcast.net)
Date: Sat Jul 02 2011 - 00:04:53 EDT

So, I used my '00 Durango [4.7] to drag my motorcycle trailer up to a
track weekend today. Good lord the 4.7 is a rev-happy weakling!!! 65
mph on flat road should not require 6k rpm in second gear to achieve.
CRAP!!! My Dak with the 5.2 tows WAAAY better. So, the 4.7 is faster
than my 5.2, but the 5.2 pulls better and oddly enough gets better
mileage while doing it.

So, is swapping a 318/360 into a 4.7 durango that hard of a task?

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