Having problems with my 1988 Dodge Dakota Sport 2 wheel drive truck. Stopped moving forward last week. Had it towed and mechanic says it is "slopping in all gears" Estimates $1400 to repair. Been a good truck (interstate drive everyday to work) but I'm getting tired of these repairs. Upon looking at the Web page for Dakota mailing list and noting the number of service bulletins about transmissions AND other problems that I have experienced, I'm steamed.
92,000 miles -- ALL transmission places, used car dealer, and junkyard that I have talked to have said that MANY of these transmissions are failing. Junkyards in Nashville just laughed when I called. One satellite locator service junkyard actually said "Your transmission is a piece of sh...t" Has anyone had any luck in getting Chrysler to fix the problem after warranty expiration. If not, Chrysler sure ought to! Would appreciate any response or thoughts as soon as possible. I'm trying do decide if it's worth taking the risk of rebuild. Thanks
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