I don't think anyone will say that the aftermarket coils aren't better
than what comes on the truck from the factory. And it's a given that
if you're runnin' a 7AL you'd better have a coil that can supply a
serious amount of juice. I think what's important is that for a
street driven application where someone wants the benefits of a MSD
type unit that it is not absolutely necessary to replace the coil.
Will you get the full benefits of the ignition upgrade? No. It's the
same as adding a hot ignition and coil and using your stock
wires.....ever try to blow through a straw with your finger over the
end? Again, for me, there's no way that if I'm gonna spend the money
on the MSD that I'm not gonna blow the extra $30 bucks for the coil
too. It good to know though that if I wanted I could run the stock
unit and be o.k. Anyone have any feeling on this subject?
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Sean_P_Meldrum@Auto.ittind.com wrote:
> Bill
> I believe you. Everything I've read however claims that their is
> increased load placed on the coil from the hot ignition. Maybe todays
> coils can handle this kind of load....my last hot rodded car was a '71
> chevelle and that coil was nothing but a paper weight!
jules sez:
if stock coil OK... then ask them why they offer an electronic high perf
coil... offering increased efficiency and a faster recharge time?... and
why don't they just offer their electronic coils as "... meets or exceed
factory specifications!"
i have had customers change nothing but coil on Dak and tell me they
noticed an improved throttle response...
and so then... why do all the promod cars and everyone else on down...
NOT run OEM coils with their "nasty to da bone" 7ALs... for example.
"yup!... got me a brand new bone stock coil... right from the discount
auto parts house... made in Tiwain... and man, let me tell you!... my
2000 hp, sprayed 650-inch rat never? ran better...!"
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