dakota 5 speed vs. auto

From: Frank Ball (frankb@cougar.sr.hp.com)
Date: Wed May 28 1997 - 01:34:59 EDT

} From: keith.wanderi@fsg.deluxe.com (Keith R Wanderi)
} I agree. I personally prefer an auto myself. I had a 5 speed in my other
} new Dakota, an 88, and it was fine for highway driving and cruising. But
} around town, it got to be where it seemed like all I was doing was
} shifting. Twenty years ago this may have been fun, but no thanks, give me
} my auto today.

I thought about and automatic, but around here there are lots of steep
10-15% grades that go for miles with tight switchback turns. The
automatics offered had no way to select 2nd gear, only low or a overdrive
lockout. 2nd is what you need for going up or down these hills with a
load or a trailer. The 5 speed is great for this, but auto would be nice
around town.

} No offence to the 5 speeders out there, but why is the auto an option and
} not the other way around?

They make more money, whey else? The 5-speed may be "standard", but I
had to special order a V8 5-speed 2WD combo.

Frank Ball 1UR-M frankb@sr.hp.com (707) 794-4168 work
Hewlett Packard (707) 794-3038 fax (707) 538-3693 home
1212 Valley House Drive Kawi KDX200, Yamaha XT350 YZF600R Seca 750
Rohnert Park CA 94928-4999 '95 Dakota SLT Club Cab V8 5-Speed 2WD


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