WillTier@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 97-08-10 19:59:03 EDT, you write:
> << what is
> the difference in 1/4 times between auto's and 5-speeds, I thought
> the manual's where faster by the times motor trend and other magazine
> write up on? >>
> On which run ? If you make a perfedt run with a five speed (ie not to
> much
> spin, no missed shifts, catch them all at optimum RPM, ect.) then a
> five
> speed would have a good run, and may come close to a Auto but deviate
> from
> any of the above and you lose. The auto is difficult to beat for
> consistency
> and with very little tinkering would be just difficult to beat at all.
> I love
> a 5 sp for playing but not for racing...
> Bill
What's all this talk about a 5-SPD being so difficult to race. Sure,
getting it off the mark cleanly takes some practice but the rest of it's
just steering straight and breathing. So many drivers are anticipating
their next shift that they forget you're supposed to breath through the
whole ordeal. My SHELBY has the sloppiest shift linkage ever made(rods)
and blown shifts in it were few and far between. We should also remember
that if you wish to raise the powerband with the auto then you will also
need that pricey :( higher stall converter to compensate. Not so with
the butter stick.:)
Terry $0.02
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