FIPK, Jet II w/ 180 Thermo, underdrive pulleys installed yesterday
Date: Sat Aug 08 1998 - 08:19:55 EDT
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The above combination DOES make a BIG seat of the pants improvement,
conservatively, I estimate a 25 hp increase and as much torque. Everything
went well with one exception, the water pump pulley is pressed on which meant
I couldn't swap that pulley, had to settle for the crank and alternator pulley
changes since the water pump pulley was made for bolting on. FYI, the stock
belt is a 96.8", 7 rib and we determined a 95.8" belt would be required for
the combo of pulleys installed, caveat- parts places don't have a large
variety of 7 rib belts, so I temporarily settled for a 6 rib 96.0" belt which
is working fine, hopefully until I can locate a 7 rib 95.8" belt. I've been
told the water pump pulley being pressed on is uncommon to the R/T's and must
be a mid-production change, anybody know about this?
Next is the test pipe, distrib cap w/ brass contacts and shift firmness kit
which I hope will keep me happy for a while.
- Next message: "Re: What are Pulleys good for?"
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- Maybe reply: "Re: FIPK, Jet II w/ 180 Thermo, underdrive pulleys installed yesterday"
- Maybe reply: "Re: FIPK, Jet II w/ 180 Thermo, underdrive pulleys installed yesterday"
- Maybe reply: "Re: FIPK, Jet II w/ 180 Thermo, underdrive pulleys installed yesterday"
- Maybe reply: STRICKLAND, Tate: "RE: FIPK, Jet II w/ 180 Thermo, underdrive pulleys installed yesterday"
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