A little late night Dak trivia...

From: Michael Clark (mike@snakebite.com)
Date: Fri Sep 18 1998 - 00:56:46 EDT

Ok here's a trivia question:

Does anyone know where a small amount of mercury is located on some
Daks? (at least the older style, maybe the newer ones too)

hint: it may not be located on ALL Daks, but if I told you which ones
would have it that would give the answer away....

---Mike, near Houston.---
 My sig file=====> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/signature.txt
 My Dakota page==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/dakota.html
 Dakota Webring==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/webring/ring.html

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