Re: DMLHere We Go Again was:: Late Daks w/o CATs

From: Mike Crumley (
Date: Wed Sep 30 1998 - 17:11:34 EDT

At 02:53 PM 9/30/98 , you wrote:

> Ok, yep you do have a point there. I'm certain there are localized
>effects, I'm just not convinced that this stuff is having any effect
>on a global scale.

Well, maybe when you have to start lining your underwear with foil when you
go outside to keep from getting sterilized... :-)

> Granted, I'm not 100% up on how they run things, but they are a
>gov't agency, and however they do it, they seem to have a lot of power.
>They seem to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want,
>all under the guise of helping us poor slobs out.

Probably more a matter of perception that anything else. You always hear
about the regulations that pass and affect you, but you never hear about
all the stuff they wanted to do but couldn't get, I mean
passed through Congress.

> I'm certainly not against a clean environment; what I am against is
>the people who use this platform as a political tool; using fearmongering
>and hatred to advance their career, when really, they could care less
>about the environment. Its just a means to an end for them.

Of course this kind of stuff works both ways. Much of the
anti-environmentalist propaganda that's going around is started by those
who's only interest is short term profits and keeping the status quo
(cough, cough, oil companies, cough, cough).

>>Standard Disclaimer: Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
> Ditto. :-)

Ditto again :-)

Mike Crumley
97 RC 3.9L V6  3.55 Auto  Rhino Liner
Bug Shield  Mud Flaps  DDBC

I think deep down, all any of us really wants is to be accepted, especially by young, attractive models with plenty of money and an unquenchable desire for sex.

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