WooHoo how to.

From: Alan Short (ashort@flash.net)
Date: Mon Feb 08 1999 - 12:21:28 EST

Well, I read everybodys posts regaurding my recent invasion of the 14
sec. bracket and I thank you all for your compliments. It felt great to
not only get in the 14's, but to BOMB the 14's. I didn't think 14.28 was
even a possibility, but life is funny that way.
Anyway, I went ALL OUT on my 14's invasion, here's how I did it:
My previous mods last year when I ran 15.1 were JET II, Elec. Fans, 180
Stat, K&N drop-in.
This year I added headers/y-pipe, ported T/B, K&N cone element attached
to air hat, BFG Drag Radials, and a A/C-Pwr Steering by-pass belt.
I also stripped the truck of 225 extra lbs. by dumping the tonneau,
tailgate, bed mat, spare, jack & tools, and front seat.
I lowered the air pressure in the drag radials to 20 lbs and power
braked them to heat/clean them and staged, I hole shotted all 3 races
with 2.0 60' times.
1st race I spanked a '98 Mustang, 2nd a '98 Firebird, and as you may
know, barely lost to a T-Type Buick in the last one.
As I have stated in the past, I STILL think the computer is sucking the
life out of my performance, it STILL lays down after the 1/8 mi. Every
race I was winning by 1-2 truck lenghts and then after 1/2 track, the
other cars begin to gain quickly. I wish I had these quick times with
something in the 100 mph range for trap speed instead of 95, that would
be a lot more competetive.
Also as the dml'er in Boston asked, I DO have 2 of the 3 races on video
tape. The Mustang and the Pontiac. I watched them over & over. I dig the
announcer comments when my truck spanks modern muscle cars, "Wow, that's
a FAST Dakota!"
YES IT IS, and I couldn't be more proud. Alan S.

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