Antifreeze issues

From: Robert Trottmann (
Date: Mon Feb 22 1999 - 13:22:30 EST

Ok, this would be the 4th time I've posted this, and it just won't go
Basically, whenever I fill my antifreeze res. it sprays out over the
engine from
god knows where. Since summer, I have had about 1/2 inch of antifreeze
in the res. and the engine runs fine. Yes, I drive on a regular basis
w/ just 1/2 inch of antifreeze in the res, any more than that it will
spray out at random intervals. Today, after racing an IROC Z for about
20 miles, reaching speeds of WELL above the 110 max on the speedo, I
checked the engine out, and saw a froth of bubbles on the top of the
antifreeze in the res.
What does this mean? The truck ran GREAT, always runs w/o problems, so
I figure, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Like I said, if I fill the
antifreeze, it drops until it hits about 1/2 inch, then stays there for

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