I checked out the site...he talks alot...but where are the performance
specs...dyno sheet, timeslip, anything? (Ya noticed that he was comparing
his Syclone to the BIG Chevy's...hehehe...didn't see any Dodge's mentioned.)
NIce idea though with the Water-Injection...still wouldn't use it though.
Bernd D. Ratsch
Pflugerville, TX
1997 Dakota SLT-CC (3.9L)
> I was just on a site yesterday where this guy uses water injection on
> Syclone. He has it turn on automatically at 10psi boost, and he seems
> happy with it, and has had measurable results. I don't recall all the
> details, but anyone interested might want to check it out. I don't have
> Internet access at the moment due to a messed up router so I can't check
> see if this is the right URL, but it should work. (I pulled it out of the
> history of my web browser):
> http://www.syclone.freeserve.co.uk/waterinjection.htm
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