Yes, this has only happened once when the fuel was over 1/4 full. The
problem is that when I let the take go below 1/4 full, the truck will
soon-after stall and die. It does it when the engine and weather are cold or
hot. It will not start until it sits for a few minutes. This is when I get
to the station ASAP and fill 'er up.
Being a '93, I figure it has been some time since the fuel filters were
replaced. I have heard that the fuel filter is located inside the tank? Are
there any other in-line filters outside the tank? How much is it gonna run
me to get that in-tank screen/filter replaced (ballpark)?
Man, I love this truck! (that's not sarcasm... I've wanted one of these for
a very long time.)
Added note from new experience... if your blower quits working... and the
truck isn't a '97 or newer, you can probably find a small panel, located on
the passenger side firewall (I've always wondered what that was for). Very
easy to access in my '93. Unhook the harnass, take out the two screws and
check the coils to see if they are burnt in two. Mine was burned out of the
coiled section, where it connects to the mount/coupling. I cleaned it up,
clipped the wire smooth and inserted in firmly in one of the empty slots.
Works like new! Thanks again to all you guys for your help on that one....
if only all vehicle problems could be that easy to fix.
Hey Jon... GO BLUES!!!
Scott City, MO
He had also asked about a stalling problem in the same post.
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