RE: Brake time

Date: Tue Mar 02 2004 - 14:46:53 EST

Like I said, no condemnation. BUT, BACK on the subject, any feedback on that SS rotor.pad setup?

>>> 03/02/04 11:22AM >>>

I appreciate the feedback--- It's a work in progress. Right now the content adding (have over 300 products to add to the 'store') is #1 priority, #2 is getting the 'bugs' worked out. Guess an option of a 'flat file' style page layout wouldn't be to much to add. I am not a coder, and a friend is doing the page for me.

I will be offering (for those who care) a free email account for customers shortly-- I guess there's some added benefit. My domain has unlimited email address capability for no additional charge, so I figured I'd get that setup and let it fly.

It's tough coming out with a layout that appeals to everyone-- hitting the mark on the first try is nearly impossible-- or an accident! :^)

I am going about this full tilt now, so there's quite a bit of new things coming (I.E. Looking for a full built engine that's better than OE spec, but not radical? That's been assembled and run to temp? -- @ a reasonable price... that's coming --- Standard requested OEM parts coming--)


> From: "BARRY OLIVER" <>
> Date: 2004/03/02 Tue AM 09:58:47 EST
> To: <>
> Subject: RE: DML: RE: Brake time
> Well, IMHO, the trouble it causes is not worth the PITA for your custoomers. It still dosent take 3 seconds and any 8th grader to rip the entire site if desired, and you know it [no condemnation, just pointing out] It's your site, design it however you like, stuff like that wouldn't stop me from buying from you - because I know you. If I just surfed in, and didn't know you, I would probably keep surfing...
> >>> 03/01/04 09:38PM >>>
> Sorry, the right click disabled was to prevent content stealing--- an
> unfortunate thing...
> What browser are you using, I haven't had any reports of problems from
> anyone.
> Thanks for the feedback. I can get you the content outside of the
> website if that's helpful.
> Sam
> 619-274-1292
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> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of andy levy
> Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 6:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: DML: RE: Brake time
> Hash: SHA1
> On 3/1/2004 4:34 PM, wrote:
> |
> |
> | :)
> |
> Now, really, what's the point of disabling the right-click menu,
> especially since it also disables my ability to select text, which in
> turn stops me from even reading 2/3 of the page because none of the
> content actually appears in front of a white background, but rather over
> the grey textured background? And when I disable JavaScript so I
> actually can select the text so it's readable, I can't navigate to any
> other page.
> - --
> - -andy
> -
> - --------------------------------------------
> "Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine"
> -Bob Tom
> - --------------------------------------------
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32)
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