Does anyone know if seat belt violations count against your driving record??
I got one today, and I'm really teed off. Before this I had a spotless
record for almost 5 years.... And now this!!
But here's the kicker... I HAD A SEAT BELT ON!! A while beck, I moved the
receiver for the middle section over so I could use the lap belt instead of
the shoulder belt. The shoulder belt was interfering with the use of my
left arm, so I thought this would be a solution. But the cop who pulled me
over stated that the shoulder belt had to be used for the driver.
Until I see a law stating so, you can bet your a$$ I'm fighting this!!
On the bright side no other tickets were issued. So if this is just one of
those minor infractions instead of a moving violation I'll feel a little
better about this.
-- Gary Hedlin (under construction)
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