Detailed Statistics for
Report generated on Fri Nov 27 05:44:11 EST 2009


The name which appears to be most often attributed to this person:

Other names which have appeared in this person's posts:

  • H62300
  • H62300@AOL.COM


This person's primary DML e-mail address:

Other addresses which have been used in the past:



First Post
This person has been an active DML member for approximately 5.70 years.

You can view a random post from this person.
Latest Post

Totals and Averages


Total: 257
Contribution: 0.09 %
Per Day: .12

Total: 13,468
Contribution: 0.06 %
Per day: 6
Per post: 52

Total: 82,771
Contribution: 0.06 %
Per day: 39
Per post: 322

Busiest Periods

Day Month Year
Wednesday September 15, 1999

(5 posts)
January 1999

(14 posts)

(94 posts)

Longest Post

This person's longest post was sent on Wednesday November 29, 2000.
It contains 234 words and is 1,724 bytes in size.

Hourly Summary
(Shows what percentage of this person's posts were sent during a particular hour of the day)


Midnight-1am (0 %)
1am-2am (0 %)
2am-3am (0 %)
3am-4am (0 %)
4am-5am (0 %)
5am-6am (.3 %)
6am-7am (0 %)
7am-8am (0 %)
8am-9am (0 %)
9am-10am (1.1 %)
10am-11am (7.0 %)
11am-Noon (18.2 %)
Noon-1pm (6.2 %)
1pm-2pm (2.7 %)
2pm-3pm (6.6 %)
3pm-4pm (12.0 %)
4pm-5pm (6.6 %)
5pm-6pm (6.6 %)
6pm-7pm (10.1 %)
7pm-8pm (9.7 %)
8pm-9pm (6.2 %)
9pm-10pm (2.3 %)
10pm-11pm (2.7 %)
11pm-Midnight (1.1 %)

(Eastern Time Zone)

Daily Summary
(Shows what percentage of this person's posts were sent during a particular day of the week)


Sunday (10.1 %)
Monday (6.2 %)
Tuesday (10.5 %)
Wednesday (23.3 %)
Thursday (19.8 %)
Friday (19.8 %)
Saturday (10.1 %)

Monthly Summary
(Shows what percentage of this person's posts were sent during a particular month of the year)


January (12.8 %)
February (9.3 %)
March (12.4 %)
April (7.3 %)
May (5.0 %)
June (5.8 %)
July (4.2 %)
August (8.1 %)
September (7.7 %)
October (8.5 %)
November (7.3 %)
December (10.8 %)

Yearly Posting History
(Number of Posts, Year by Year)

1997 (16)
1998 (94)
1999 (72)
2000 (37)
2001 (28)
2002 (6)
2003 (4)

Monthly Posting History
(Number of Posts, Month by Month)

October 1997 (3)
November 1997 (7)
December 1997 (6)
January 1998 (10)
February 1998 (9)
March 1998 (10)
April 1998 (10)
May 1998 (7)
June 1998 (1)
July 1998 (2)
August 1998 (5)
September 1998 (5)
October 1998 (13)
November 1998 (8)
December 1998 (14)
January 1999 (14)
February 1999 (8)
March 1999 (10)
April 1999 (3)
May 1999 (0)
June 1999 (2)
July 1999 (4)
August 1999 (10)
September 1999 (11)
October 1999 (5)
November 1999 (1)
December 1999 (4)
January 2000 (7)
February 2000 (5)
March 2000 (6)
April 2000 (1)
May 2000 (5)
June 2000 (0)
July 2000 (0)
August 2000 (5)
September 2000 (2)
October 2000 (0)
November 2000 (3)
December 2000 (3)
January 2001 (2)
February 2001 (2)
March 2001 (6)
April 2001 (5)
May 2001 (1)
June 2001 (4)
July 2001 (4)
August 2001 (1)
September 2001 (1)
October 2001 (1)
November 2001 (0)
December 2001 (1)
January 2002 (0)
February 2002 (0)
March 2002 (0)
April 2002 (0)
May 2002 (0)
June 2002 (4)
July 2002 (1)
August 2002 (0)
September 2002 (1)
October 2002 (0)
November 2002 (0)
December 2002 (0)
January 2003 (0)
February 2003 (0)
March 2003 (0)
April 2003 (0)
May 2003 (0)
June 2003 (4)

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