Friend had a problem with DC...

From: Peanut (
Date: Thu Jan 18 2001 - 11:00:15 EST

Hey everyone. You know how it goes, bad press goes
around more quickly than good press. A friend of mine
here at work lost her brother Thanksgiving weekend.
He has a massive heart attack, it was unexpected.
Anyway, the brother had a Chrysler vehicle (not a Dak,
I'm sorry to say) and did not have life insurance.
There was about $2K left to pay off the vehicle. My
friend, as his sister, had been in constant contact
with Chrysler regarding what to do with the vehicle.

On Tuesday afternoon there was an "investigator" that
showed up to my friend's mother's house (her brother
had lived there as well), when the mother answered the
door the "investigator" (my friend was on the phone
with her mother as this happened) pushed his way past
her into the house, began interrogating her as to the
whereabouts of the vehicle and scared the s*** out of
her. My friend talked to him over the phone and told
him to get out and that she would talk to him from his

Well, last night at about 1am a tow truck pulled up
and hauled away the vehicle. My friend had to run out
in her pajamas to gather the last of her brother's
belongings before they towed it off into the sunset.

My friend spoke with these people constantly and they
were nice over the phone. The way they treated her as
she was attempting to sort out his possessions was
inexcusable. I would suggest for anyone and everyone
to be sure a plan is in place "just in case." I am
only 24 but still have one. The lady told me "oh, you
won't need're healthy" but I made her
reprint the paperwork to include the life insurance,
"just in case."

For anyone who has ever lost a loved one, I am sorry
for the pain and sorrow... but also for this abuse you
must endure. I don't wish it on anyone.

Sorry for the long and sad post, but I am pissed that
my friend is at work with tears streaming down her
face from this incident. I am so angry for her, I
just wanted to scream to someone. Thanks for letting
me vent.


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